December 28, 2019

Friday Funny 12-27/19 (Last One for 2019)


Remember that organized-chaos v-berth that is also our guest room?

In preparation for our guest, the first job, was to get everything out, and clean. We're pretty good about ventilation, and dehumidifying, so I was pleased to see that there weren't  any mold/mildew issues, just dust. There are three small drawers under the v-berth platform, where we kept soda in cans, it was the one area that was a total mess, due to one of the cans exploded sometime, somewhere in our travels. We hauled all of our stuff to our dock neighbor's boat.... he doesn't need to see how much we filled it up....

Of course, there are many things stored under those platform boards, lines, rigging, project supplies, stuff we might need.

Then, the ventilation layer, we bought a whole roll of this stuff called Hypervent, and we roll it out under our mattress, the salon cushions, and under the v-berth cushions, we even have it in our truck camper, under the mattress. It's kind of a plastic mesh, and it really works to keep moisture out from underneath, and eliminate the potential mold problem.

Hypervent layer

Next the cushions.

All ready for someone else to mess up.

We didn't have snow in town for Christmas, I'm okay with that. It is coming down the hillsides, and mountains around us though. I bet we'll have some in January, and February, which is typical for Wrangell.

 Anyone want to host me someplace warm, and snow free? 😁

I promise to be a good guest!

Happy New Year everyone!  πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

December 21, 2019

Friday Funny 12-20/19 (Christmastime)

Think we need this mat? HAHA

How about this festive sign? Yes, I have "Christmas Vacation" on the brain, and no, I haven't pulled out my copy and watched it yet. That activity is on the upcoming schedule.

My son separated from the Army this year, and entered the private job sector. He said he was getting a Christmas bonus from his company, and we had fun texting back and forth about the jelly of the month club, and how not to let cousin Eddie kidnap his boss. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just see the Chevy Chase movie. It's one of my favorites, and no matter how many times I've seen it, I still laugh. If you don't like it, (woe to you, I'm not sure we can be friends), just ignore this paragraph.

We were in town shopping the other day, and found these bags outside the door of both grocery stores. Whoever is the generous Santa elf leaving these, blessings to you.

Free Toy Fairy!

Then we saw this sign in someone's yard, not Christmas themed, but good for a chuckle.

We're glad to have some friends agree to come join us in Wrangell for a few days after Christmas. Our "guest cabin" needs some minor straightening... 😁 fortunately our dock neighbor will be gone, and has graciously consented the use of his boat. We will stack our tubs in his main salon, and make room for people.

Here's one of my favorite renditions of the Halelujah Chorus, done in the Alaskan village of Quinhagak. 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

December 13, 2019

Friday Funny 12-13/19 (Fun Stuff instead of Superstition)

Go to sleep!

The Deep Sea, made by Neal Agarwal is one of the coolest websites I have ever seen. If you are interested in the ocean, and marine life, check it out. Don't forget to keep scrolling until you get to the end. It's fascinating! This graphic is at, check it out for other interesting, interactive fun. I loved the "Share This Page" content, read all the way to the bottom, and click on one, it's worth a chuckle. 

When I'm on the water, whether in Denali Rose, some other boat, or my kayak, I don't like to think about what's under me, it freaks me out. I know, that's weird, but I only concentrate on the surface.

Another good video, that's all about salmon, is this one, "Salmon 101, Three Things Everyone Should Know About Salmon" it's produced by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Alaska Department of Fish & Game, produced this ebook, "Alaska's Wild Salmon", beautiful photos, and terrific information about our state fish. It's long, but worth the time to read, and it's free!

If you would like news, stories, photos, and recipes for all things Salmon, click here, to subscribe to the "Five Bites of Salmon" newsletter. 

Of course, I couldn't go away without a "Friday the 13th" reference. 

Not scary.
As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

December 7, 2019

Friday Funny 12-06/19 (Tis The Season)


Let the fun begin, of course that term is relative. We (we, as in I), did a bit of Christmas decorating, Gus took advantage of it in the morning.

Yippee, this is fun!

He found the wreath I thought I had hung up securely, silly me.

Here are a few of his favorite seasonal songs.

Sing along

We ran our red lights up a halyard this year, and added a new string of green to go with it. They are wrapped like a candy cane as they go up. 

As seen from inside the pilothouse overhead hatch

We added icicle lights inside the dodger, and red/white lights along the front windows in the pilothouse

We turn on the masthead light at night as well. 
It's looking a lot like Christmas 🎢. We haven't had any snow in town yet, but it's around us, creeping down the mountainsides.

Looking north from our harbor.

East of Wrangell Island across Eastern Passage, that fence is keeping the airport runway safe.

Those white mountains are actually Canada.

I'm getting ready for my annual favorite movie, Christmas Vacation.

The beginning of the season for Wrangell:

Time to get shopping....  😁

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.