December 13, 2019

Friday Funny 12-13/19 (Fun Stuff instead of Superstition)

Go to sleep!

The Deep Sea, made by Neal Agarwal is one of the coolest websites I have ever seen. If you are interested in the ocean, and marine life, check it out. Don't forget to keep scrolling until you get to the end. It's fascinating! This graphic is at, check it out for other interesting, interactive fun. I loved the "Share This Page" content, read all the way to the bottom, and click on one, it's worth a chuckle. 

When I'm on the water, whether in Denali Rose, some other boat, or my kayak, I don't like to think about what's under me, it freaks me out. I know, that's weird, but I only concentrate on the surface.

Another good video, that's all about salmon, is this one, "Salmon 101, Three Things Everyone Should Know About Salmon" it's produced by the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Alaska Department of Fish & Game, produced this ebook, "Alaska's Wild Salmon", beautiful photos, and terrific information about our state fish. It's long, but worth the time to read, and it's free!

If you would like news, stories, photos, and recipes for all things Salmon, click here, to subscribe to the "Five Bites of Salmon" newsletter. 

Of course, I couldn't go away without a "Friday the 13th" reference. 

Not scary.
As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

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