November 10, 2023

Friday Funny 11-10/2023 (Fresh Water Falls in Salt Water Bays)


The blog has been quiet for awhile, mainly because we ventured into areas where there wasn't a cell signal for hot spot internet usage, and we haven’t jumped on the Starlink bandwagon yet. We've been exploring SE Alaska for nine years, and we still have many areas that we haven’t seen yet. This year, we cruised a few places we knew, but many that were new to us.

Though we had a fairly sunny, and warm summer, we had just enough rain to make the waterfalls spectacular.

Shrimp Bay

Two waterfalls

Enjoying a closeup kayak ride

Port Walter

A braided waterfall

Deep Cove

Before rain

After rain

Gut Bay

Many falls at once

Red Bluff Bay

Chatham Strait

Baranof Warm Springs

Seemed like it was a "Waterfall Cruise", there were usually multiples in almost every bay we were in. The scenery is usually spectacular in N. America's largest rainforest.

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.


  1. Wonderful waterfall photos. You are really in a beautiful area to explore.


Because of spammers, comments may be moderated [and 'Anonymous' are usually deleted...] so please be patient if they don't appear quickly... We are cuisers. Sometimes it may be days— even weeks— before we have internet access. Even Elon's... [Don't feel sorry for us... It's intentional...]