November 20, 2020

Friday Funny 11-20/2020 (Petersburg Harbor)

 If my hands are positioned wrong on the keys, I get, Frodau Fimmu. Fascinating huh? Yes, well, these days I can be easily entertained. 

During our stay in Petersburg, we have been catching up with good friends Robin, and Jim. We consider them to be a part of our small, trusted social circle, and allow each other inside our 6ft radius. I've even gotten a hug, JOY! I made a new dinghy cover for them, and it was a fairly easy project. 

Petersburg is located at the beginning of the Wrangell Narrows. 

The Petersburg North Harbor doesn't have a breakwater, so the boat traffic in the Narrows affects the boats tied in the harbor, and we are in a slip that is next to the outside. 

Also, depending on the state of the tide, we've seen the current running from zero to six knots, and some incredible whirlpools, it makes for sporty docking procedures if you don't arrive at the correct time.

All kinds of boats traverse the Narrows, commercial fishing, private sail, cabin cruisers, trawlers, and skiffs, tugs, and barges, and the Alaska ferry.

Commercial fishing vessel

The Rainforest Islander, a Wrangell owned small ferry for cars, cargo, and people among the SE islands.

Tug and barge

In case you needed to see the size, compare the barge to the dump truck parked on top of the load.

Cabin cruiser speedster, he's in a hurry to get to his fishing hole.😁

Everyone creates a decent wake, but those tugs, and barges are really fun. (not) The tugs have a bow, and stern wake, and the barge has a bow, and stern wake, that's four altogether, and wheee, watch us all pitch, and roll. The key is fenders, lots of fenders between us, and the dock.

In addition to the multiple boat wakes we get a day, we have been visited by some unwelcome items.

A clump of bull kelp, weeds, wood, and whatever else.

Bill, and Jim pulled a kelp pile back out into the Narrows.

A pile of wood the guys retrieved out of the water next to our bow. It would bang into the boat during a wake. 

The biggest ewwwww so far, someone threw a recent deer hide in the water to be washed out. It didn't.

We watched this guy carefully.

Bill encouraged it to move on out.

Which it did.

The best part about being on the outside of the dock, is that we get an almost full view of the scenery, and wildlife.

A constant stream of gulls, water fowl, and eagles.

This has become Gus's new spot;
1. Because he enjoys watching the swirling water, and the birds.
2. Probably should be 1. he is sitting directly over the heat vent, hmmmm warm.

Bonus points for guessing this mystery item.

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.


  1. Replies
    1. Good guess, since Le Conte glacier is around the corner, we thought it might be styrofoam, but couldn't really tell.

    2. We had the advantage of seeing it in motion... it was bobbing too quickly to be something heavy.... but if I were approaching it on the water, I would assume ice and avoid it regardless...


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