April 21, 2017

Friday Funny 04/21 (Wrangell upcoming events)

Very True

This will be another quick one since we are still awash in boat projects on the hard.

Sign at the Reliance Harbor.

The Wrangell King Salmon Derby is coming up, and I hope we get a chance to participate this year.

The artwork of Ray Troll

Ray Troll lives in Ketchikan, (south of Wrangell Island), and he has terrific artwork, designs, and clothing. Check out his website for more fun! His artwork is everywhere in Alaska.

Salmon Sister's have a fun clothing line, as well, as Octopus Ink.

The Fourth of July Celebration plans are ramping up. Who would like a Wrangell T-shirt, the boat races will be back this year after a hiatus. Wrangell Chamber E News. (this will give you a taste of our small-town happenings)

Are you fishing this summer? We enjoy your comments here, and on our Denali Rose Sailboat Facebook page.


  1. I know that around here, when the sun comes out for a day people go absolutely crazy. They wear shorts and tshirts. They think summer is already happening. I imagine summer in Alaska is something to experience! But I think I recognize those clouds in the middle photo. I think I saw them yesterday hanging around here.

    1. If you are missing the clouds, you can have them back. Today was supposed to be warm, but it's occasional rain, and wind.

      People in Fairbanks go more nuts when the sun comes out, and the temps rise than people here in Wrangell. If it's 20degrees, and sunny, expect to see shorts, and sandals. After below zero temps, anything above is warm... it's all relative.

  2. Hope all is going well on the hard. I can imagine it's been a tough slog so far and you're probably worn out by the end of each day.

    1. Yes, at the end of the day, no one wants to cook a meal, but we do have to eat. We're hoping to splash on Tuesday, finishing the projects one by one. It feels good to have some major maintenance completed on Denali Rose.


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