September 15, 2018

Friday Funny on Saturday 9-15/18 (Foggy Thinking)

Okay,  I thought Friday was Thursday, and I procrastinated...... so there it is.

Not this kind of fog.

In the fall, warm, sunny days, bring cool evenings, which then bring foggy mornings. We left Ketchikan, and headed north for a leisurely trip back to Wrangell. 

We saw a thick fog bank in the distance, and we were hoping the sun would burn it off before we got to it.

A line of fog.

The latest extreme tides had contributed to the amount of debris to avoid in the water.

I was glad we went through that tide-line before we got to the fog, imagine trying to dodge that stuff with reduced visibility, even though some of it was picked up by the radar.

Avoid those little red and green bits on the screen.

It was like entering the Twilight Zone.

What was inside the fog, will we hit something, will we ever emerge from it, or wander aimlessly forever...... ?  šŸ˜®

Heading in


Leaving it behind us.

Once inside, we found that we still had about 500yards of visibility at the water level, so it was pretty much a non-issue. Clarence Strait, which is known for kicking up the wind, and waves cooperated with us as well. We finished our day with a stop in Meyers Chuck, and since the majority of personal  tourist boaters have headed south, there was room on the public dock to tie up for the evening. 

The day ended with another beautiful sunset.

 As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.


  1. Thank you for the lovely photos. This dirt bound sailor needed to see some water that wasn't pouring from the sky today.

    1. Thanks, we have had a fabulous summer, and fall is becoming the same. Come on up, and experience some cooler weather before you return to Mexico.


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