Stuff we have and use [and do...]

March 27, 2021

Friday Funny 03-26/2021 (Spring, where art thou?)

 I let all of February, and most of March slip by without a blog post. I feel kinda guilty, but not really.

Sometimes posts just flow, and I complete one in minutes, other times, I stare at the screen, and wonder what's next. 

February, and March were so uneventful that it would be boring to read about it. I can sum it up in a few words, vaccines completed, rain, snow, rain, wind, cold, boat in slip in Wrangell, and Gus. There, now I don't feel guilty anymore, done.

Winter is hanging on tight, spring tries to get a foot in the door, and winter keeps slamming it shut. When I look at my weather app on my phone, it always says "wintery mix", and mostly our temps are above 32F, so it's usually rain. Winter tries to sneak in hail, and short bursts of snowfall, but rain, and cool temperatures are winning out.

We need to haul Denali Rose out of the water, and place her in the boat yard for some maintenance this spring. We originally had April 15th scheduled, but with trying to get supplies here on time, and having to guess at when we'll have a weather window to get work done, we pushed it forward to the end of April. I'm sure we'll have some interesting stories to tell about our time out of the water, boat chores always cascade into more boat chores. BOAT, Break Out Another Thousand, most boat owners know this well.

My little piece of spring:

I've managed to keep this violet alive and well through the winter, and now it's blooming. I'm feeling accomplished. Katherine, if you're reading this..... YAY, I did it!

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