Stuff we have and use [and do...]

January 30, 2021

Friday Funny 01-29/2021 (At Seattle Boat Show but Not)


I could drink wine while I watch the webinar!

We're at the Seattle Boat Show for the next couple of days. To be honest, we're not actually AT the boat show, we're watching remotely from the comfort of our salon. For five dollars, we get to watch all of the approximately 50 minute seminars, we could have spent more, and get all of the 2-3 hour seminars, and the ability to rewatch all of the content later, but we felt it wasn't necessary. I personally think that they should do this every year. I wouldn't have to arrange for a flight, hotel, and ground transportation, but the downside is that we don't get any cool swag either. No floating key chains, bottle openers, logo hats, bags, or baubles, pamphlets, stickers and business cards, things we stash somewhere inconvenient, and throw away later. 😁

The show has a dropdown box for "shop the show", it works fairly well, except that not all of the exhibitors have a website, and they request you email/call them for information. Sorry, if I'm just mildly curious about your product, that's not going to happen it would be better to provide some basic information up front. If I want to actually shop, I'm going to go that that company's website in the first place, unless of course, I'm looking for a code to apply for a  boat show special.

You can also walk the "virtual floor show", it's not the same as wandering around and picking up free candy, so in order to induce you to try it, there are sea chests scattered around the floor, you click on them, and get entered into prize drawings. I found several.

In between seminars, I tried to do a few chores, the usual, dishes, eating, showers, etc, and I've been trying to  organize "my stuff" in our cabin. I moved the curtains on one of the ports on the the port side. 

I can't see out!

We looked at the cracked, not just crazed port window, and said, "AH HA!" One night last week, at about 2:00am, we heard a loud POP, and some hissing, but neither that night, or the next day could we find the source of the noise, and we dismissed it to, weird thing things that happen. I guess we'll put some clear rescue tape over it for the time being, and then get some glass made to fit in the frame later. 

It's back to the wine, and webinar, I've a few more things to learn.... 

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

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