Stuff we have and use [and do...]

June 8, 2018

Friday Funny 7-8/18 (Writing and Shrimp Come Together)

I would never do this.....  hehe

I would never call myself a writer, this is just a blog about stuff, and I enjoy doing it. Bill, on the other hand, has informative posts that people actually use. I usually say that he writes about the technical, and I write about the goof-ball. (You may have heard that before.)

This will not happen in my lifetime, no one will send me fifty thousand dollars for my writing.

There's a nice power catamaran that has a slip at the end of our dock, and it's owned by a published author, and his wife. They are super nice folks, fabulous fishermen, and Ken writes great books. They are fun murder/mysteries that are set in Southeast Alaska. If that kind of reading is appealing to you, I recommend you try them out.

The first one is West of North, and the second one is The Peat by K. E. Hoover, and they can be purchased on Amazon. I find it enjoyable to read along with his fictional characters, with non-fictional details in places I know. It's not a series, but some of the characters from West of North show up in The Peat, so reading West of North first is helpful.

Yesterday, Ken came by and told us the tender, "Martina", was in, and that they had shrimp onboard to sell. Oh. Yeah. Fresh Shrimp!

Tender Martina, in her slip at Heritage Harbor, Wrangell AK.

Per Wikipedia:
ship's tender, usually referred to as a tender, is a boat, or a larger ship used to service or support other boats or ships, generally by transporting people and/or supplies to and from shore or another ship.
Or in this case, transporting recently caught seafood, ice, food, or fuel.

I just happened to be reading The Peat, when Ken stopped by, and then I read in the back acknowledgments that he had spent a week on Martina, learning about tender activities. It was sort of an "all details come together" moment. 

One bucket of fresh shrimp

One bowl of clean shrimp

Bill scooped out a bucket of fresh shrimp from Martina's iced storage, and Bill Armstrong, the owner was very generous with the cost. THANK YOU! The shrimp had not been sorted yet, so they were all different kinds, all different sizes, and we did the be-heading, and cleaning. So worth it! Bill is contemplating making Shrimp Étouffée for dinner. Can't wait.

 As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page

1 comment:

  1. Don't underestimate the "goofball" stuff you write about. That's one of the reasons why I stop by here regularly. Plus cat pictures :-) Off to check out Ken's books - thanks for sharing!


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