Stuff we have and use [and do...]

June 14, 2018

Friday Funny 6-15/18 (Back to the Doctor🙀)

The forever ongoing saga of the broken leg, it reminds me of the "Song That Never Ends".  🎶 It just goes on, and on my friend. 🎶. If you ever sang that song, it will now be stuck in your head today, you’re welcome.

I’m back in Anchorage to see doctors, yes, more than one. My surgeon, and his PA have inspected their work, and have referred me to an ankle, and foot specialist. The pain that’s been keeping me from walking, and on crutches, is not near the inserted hardware, so on to the next expert.  I’ll see him next week, and hopefully get my problems solved. It’s been six months since my accident, and I’d like to be back to normal.(?) If my crutches weren’t borrowed, Davy Jone’s locker would have had a new set by now, however I’ll need to give them back someday. 

This is now seriously messing with my summer, and I’m getting cranky.
 (Getting cranky? says Bill, dodging...😏)

(Relatives are not really a pain in the neck, just kidding around)

We have guests coming for the fun 4th of July celebration in Wrangell, and then spending a few days onboard exploring. We are looking forward to having my brother, and sister-in-law with us for a visit, and I have some serious cleaning, and provisioning to get done. My sis-in-law is allergic to cats, and I need to be sure she’s as comfortable as possible. We don’t keep the v-berth cushions onboard, they’re in storage, so the cats haven’t been on them, but there’s plenty of other chores to finish. 

I only have my iPad with me, and this blogger format doesn’t work very well on it, so I’m using a third party app. It’s an experiment, and  I won’t know if it works until I publish.  Wish me luck. 

We enjoying hearing from you, either here in comments, or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

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