Stuff we have and use [and do...]

July 19, 2019

Friday Funny 07-19/19 (Gus and Ford Lehman Make Friends)

Pets onboard.
The Owl, and the Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat....

Gus has always been nervous every time we've started the engine on Denali Rose, but lately he's been adapting better to being underway. His usual reaction was to high-tail it for the aft cabin and either nestle into his shark bed, or curl up on the small settee.

Ready for departure.

Now Gus is actually staying in the pilothouse when we start the "growly monster", and has come up the companionway on his own to join us in the cockpit. He's done it a couple of times now, and seems to be more relaxed than nervous. 

Gus snuggled up with Bill, it was a chilly day.

We put harnesses on the cats when they come out into the cockpit while underway, they both like to try and wander out on the deck, and that is a no-no when we aren't at anchor. If they persist, then they get a leash attached, and that keeps them safely where they belong.

Elsie calm, and asleep, Gus is trying to imitate her, and he is on his leash for now.

Elsie has always been a good boat cat, she doesn't let anything faze her, except for our recent buddy boat's dog Jackie. Jackie came onboard when we rafted our boats up, and both Elsie, and Gus were having none of it!

Elsie likes to block the chartplotter, or maybe she's reading it.

Jackie the hyper-dog, as a bow ornament with Walter in his dinghy.

Once in awhile, Gus has even stolen Elsie's favorite cushion.

"What's the deal buster?"

At anchor, or the dock, here is Gus's favorite activity.

We call it "tickle toes", and Gus will leap up on the dodger, and meow until someone comes out to play.

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

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