Stuff we have and use [and do...]

May 31, 2019

Friday Funny 5-31/19 (Droning On, and On)

After our festivities in Petersburg for Mayfest, we continued our shakedown cruise with a short trip around the corner to Ideal Cove.

The prerequisite photo of sea lions on a buoy.

Elsie enjoys her cruising time in the cockpit, Gus stays below when underway.

Anchored in Ideal Cove, the view out the entrance.

There was an old deck float behind us, from the bleached remains on top, I think the commercial crabbers use it to store, or work their crab pots. Bill decided it would make a great surface to take-off and land the new drone, so gear was loaded into the dinghy and over we went.

I stayed in the dinghy, out of the way, and enjoyed the sun.

I took pictures of Bill taking pictures of scenery. This one I call, "Bill Pretending To Fly The Drone".

That's not really what was happening, but it cracked me up. He was actually calibrating it.  The local neighbors were keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings.

There were two eagles up in the trees, and as soon as the drone took off, they did too. They were not impressed with that whining black thing.

It was kind of scary to fly it out over the water for the first time, but Bill flew it around the cove, and back to the platform without incident. The quality of the camera that came with the unit isn't the best, but we can replace it with our GoPro, and get better results.

We consider this unit to be our starter drone, and we will probably upgrade it at a later date, after we get proficient.

Denali Rose leaving Ideal Cove.

This is a photo taken by some friends who joined us in Ideal Cove. They flew their drone to capture our departure. 

Hopefully not!

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

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