Stuff we have and use [and do...]

May 17, 2019

Friday Funny 06-17/19 (Adult Camp)

Except we are the Moms, and we're the ones at camp.

Last weekend the BOW, (Becoming an Outdoor Women) Camp was a blast. We had about 80 women, not including the organizers, instructors, and camp staff. With my friends, we flew to Juneau, stayed overnight in a hotel, and the next morning met up with the bus that would take us 40 miles north to the trailhead. The hike to the camp was 2.5 miles around Echo Bay, and the camp took all of the gear with a tractor-trailer. I used my hiking poles, but it was a challenge for me.

Around the bay, and out around the point.

I was pretty tired at the end, but we still had to check in, pickup our gear, find our cabin, pick out our bunk, and unpack the sleeping bag, etc. 

Terie, Robin and I - we made it!

After a delicious lunch, it was time for our first class, mine was, Smoking, Pickling, and Gravelox Salmon.

Salmon bellies to the left, a delicacy.

All participants got a sockeye (red) salmon, and learned how to fillet it. Then we split up into groups to learn the smoking, pickling, and how to make gravelox.

Cutting up salmon

Making gravelox

Putting salmon fillets in the brine, preparing for the smoker.

The next morning, Terie, and I had crabbing. We went out in the bay, in a 25ft aluminum cabin cruiser, and learned the different kinds of traps, baiting, and hauling them in. 

We're pulling in Dungeness crab.
We had two boats learning about crabbing, and between us, we brought in 22 crabs. After going ashore, we learned how to clean, and prepare them for cooking.

It was about here, my Iphone died, so I couldn't take photos of my classes anymore. My afternoon was filled with another fillet class, (a different method), and cooking salmon. We prepared about 15-20 different recipes, and all of the ladies got to taste. The next day, my last class was to learn about deer habits, and how to hunt them. 

A very fun, and successful weekend.

My cabin-mates

All of us, in our BOW logo shirts, and buffs.

One of the really great perks, was that we got to take our food goodies home with us. I came home with smoked, and pickled salmon, and gravelox, also a big bag of crab.

Update on the salon cushion re-cover project, I'm happy to report, it's done! A few mistakes, and parts I could do better, but for now it's clean, functional, and comfortable.

Also, Gus approves of the paddle board.

"Here's how to stand on it Mom." 

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

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