Stuff we have and use [and do...]

March 16, 2019

Friday Funny 03-15/19 (Just Another Day)

Heritage Harbor, Wrangell, as the sun is about to rise above the hill.

It's been a mundane week, not a lot to report on, and my mind is not seizing on a fun, informative topic. Instead, the everyday stuff that happened.....

We took Elsie to the vet while he's in town, she's been losing weight, and we're a bit concerned about it. She came to live with us when she showed up at our door one October, so we're not sure about her age, but between the doctor and us, we're guessing at 17 years old. She sleeps more now, but there are times when she runs, and plays like she's a kitten again, not bad for a partially blind old cat.

The vet found a heart murmur, that wasn't there at her last checkup, so he's prescribed a heart medicine, and she's getting a couple of antibiotic shots for a possible infection.

Elsie relaxing while underway last summer. She has her harness, and leash on, to keep her confined in the cockpit.

Water is back on in the marina. Wrangell received some much needed rain, and the temperatures are finally above freezing. I, (dare I say it), think spring is on the way. The commercial guys are working on boats, and gear, preparing for the season, so it's getting busy around here. 

I cleared out my sewing area, and the machine is now humming away on the projects. I'm taking the mainsail cover I made two years ago, and redesigning it, I'm going off the traditional, and doing something unique. We don't like the amount of yardage that is obstructing the view forward, and I'm going to streamline the profile, and change the connecting hardware. I'll let you in on the completed project when it's finished.

Mainsail cover now, I'm going to make it sleeker.

My other creative side, with card making has finally reached the storage limit. I've been receiving supplies so that when we are out at anchor, holed up away from the weather, I can craft to my hearts content. I've been following some blogs, and websites, learned many new techniques, and I'm looking forward to trying them out. New inks, stamps, dies, and yes, remember how we used my little die machine for a boat project? Well, I really needed to get the larger one, (of course, you say), so I did! 

Old, and new, it's compact.

Cool huh? I made these butterflies with layering stamps.

Hope you have a fun St. Patrick's Day!


As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

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