Stuff we have and use [and do...]

February 9, 2019

Friday Funny 02-08/19 (Procraftinating*)


Bill has been gone for a week or so, and I took over the boat with creativeness. I was going to sew, but I decided it would be much more fun to make cards instead. I took over the main table in the salon, and left just enough room for my computer, and a place to eat.

Creative Clutter is better than Idle Neatness. 

I've had a productive week, and made so many cards. Sorry, I can't show them to you, presumably, my close friends, and family read this blog, and the cards are for their birthdays.

I also found some terrific blogs, and vlogs about card making, and organizing card supplies. I've gone through my "stuff", and tried to organize, because 1. the more I organize the more I can have, and 2. I am constantly finding more I want.

Also Bill owes me, he's been gone during the worst weather we've had all winter. First it got extremely cold, (for here), it was down to 6F. I woke up thinking I had been transported back to Fairbanks. Brrrr.  I've been keeping warm by using both the electric, and the diesel heaters. Towns-people have been checking on me, that's nice. 😁

Then the weather warmed up, but brought the snow. I shoveled the boat, and our dock finger 4 days in a row. Whew, it's quite a bit of work. I had filled up the water tanks on Denali Rose before the cold weather, and now I was down to less than 1/2 a tank, and I really needed to do a load of laundry.

Yesterday, no snow, and temps in the 30's, finally. I had to thaw out the water hose, and I got to fill the water tanks, and launder my underwear, (running out, TMI).

Bill has been thinking of me though, he bought some presents for me, and Amazon delivered them.


If you know how much I love popcorn, you'll know that I had to pop some up right away, and use my new microwave popper. Delicious!

*Procraftinating: Working on craft projects when you should be cooking, doing the dishes or doing the laundry. Or maybe getting a blog post out on time.....  😝

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.

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