Stuff we have and use [and do...]

September 21, 2018

Friday Funny 9-21/18 (Cruising or Uncruising)

Not always the case....

During the last month, we had some small cruise ships share a few of our anchorages. I'm happy to say that their anchoring distance, their crew, and their guests were all respectful of the peace, and quiet in the Alaskan wilderness. Tip of the hat to the Uncruise Adventure company.

These kayakers were skirting the edges of Yes Bay the morning we saw the orcas feeding, and listened to the wolves howling. Everyone sat very still while the whales were surfacing, they didn't try to get too close, and I can only imagine what a great experience that was for them.

Uncruise kayakers

While we were in Walker Bay, we had more than one ship come in, unload kayakers, and paddle boarders, and check out the sights. There's a salmon spawning stream off one end, and the eagles were very abundant, using my binoculars, I counted about 25 in just one area of the trees. We also saw bears here, but not while the kayakers were out.

Uncruise Adventure ship

A well fed bear.

Some of the ships were larger, though still not as big as the huge liners.

Uncruise Adventure ship

We shared this cove with others on the Labor Day weekend, it was a protected cove, and as you can see, the weather was not that great. We had secured the mooring ball before anyone else arrived, and stayed through the predicted heavy winds. At one point we got hit with a 40kt williwaw, we could hear it coming, and then bam, it whacked us, and Denali Rose pulled hard on the mooring. The wind generator loved it, that was my first williwaw smackdown.

Looking through the rainy windows at three boats rafted up, with a fourth close by, and a fishing vessel. 

Our last stop was Menefee Point, and we scored big time. A local commercial fisherman, was anchored nearby, and when he left, he delivered a bag of shrimp to us. We were very grateful, and declared them delicious! 

Took a photo before they were all gone!

Then an Uncruise ship came in for the day, and after the anchoring process, their launch headed over to us. We came out on deck to greet them, and were handed a nice bottle of wine, and a bag of homemade cookies. They apologized for disrupting our quiet cove, and hoped that the gift would make up for it. And how, come disrupt anytime!

The goodies ship.

If I ever had a desire for a larger ship experience, I would definitely look into what this company had to offer.

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page.


  1. So happy to hear that our crews and boats are treating others as we wished to be treated. While this is nothing new for us, your unbiased remarks mean a lot to me as the owner of UnCruise Adventures.
    Thanks for sharing. Dan Blanchard, Juneau AK.

    1. As a previous employee in the Tourism industry of Alaska, and a recent transplant to Southeast Alaska, I appreciate your style of showing off our state. Thanks for visiting our blog, come back anytime, and maybe we'll share an anchorage with you some day. AIS is always on, and the beverage of your choice is at hand.

    2. I look forward to hoisting a cold one at some hidden anchorage! Until then, keep the red side down and the smiles on! Dan

  2. That was really cool that the folks on the cruise ship came by with goodies for you.

  3. So classy. Uncruises should teach some of the others lessons in civility. I had a look at their website and looks like an interesting operation.

    Twice in the South Pacific we have had issues with cruise ships and unseamanlike behaviour. The first one was Fijian so after a few words we just moved on but the second one was embarrassingly a Canadian ship (although flagged Cook Islands as they would never get a TC certification) so we followed up with their head office (we wrote about it here:

    Thanks for all the great info in the blog - lots to learn but looking forward to Alaska !


    1. Thanks, Max. Yes, Uncruise is very classy in a down to earth sort of way. They stay busy by transiting to summer year around... They should have returned from S of the equator by now to start plying our waters once again... I wouldn't hesitate to take one of their cruises, or to recommend them.

      I read your post. What poor form you had to deal with...

      We're glad you are finding some useful tidbits in our musings, and look forward to meeting up in person...


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