Stuff we have and use [and do...]

August 31, 2018

Friday Funny; 30-Aug-2018

Imagine this; a well maintained sailboat is anchored deep within a long bay among scattered small islands. It's early morning, and a couple of people are standing on the foredeck, enjoying steaming mugs of coffee while using binoculars, and cameras. The sailboat's cat is winding between their legs, purring with contentment. A small cruise ship, (about 150 passengers), has anchored out of sight at the beginning of the bay, not being able to squeeze past the closely knit islands.

There are a handful of kayakers from the cruise ship, weaving around the islands, and a small inflatable launch has deposited a group of hikers on the beach behind the sailboat. Both groups are a respectable distance from the sailboat, enjoying the still morning.

Suddenly everyone has stopped all movement, a loud exhalation, and spray has occurred in the middle of the bay. An orca pod makes itself known, coming to the surface to breathe, as they feed on the fish arriving with the incoming tide. A baby orca begins playing as it flings itself out of the water, and slaps it's tail, making a loud crack.

In the distant mountains, a howl begins, then another, and another. Suddenly it's a whole pack of wolves singing together, as they celebrate the morning. (Or something like that.)

Holy Cow! We were watching orcas, listening to wolves, with nearby kayakers, and hikers, while standing on the deck of Denali Rose, within the edge of Misty Fjords Natl' Park. I felt like I was living in an Alaska Visitor's Bureau travel brochure. Where's the camera crew when you need them!

(No internet way the heck out here, another SAT phone posting)

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