Stuff we have and use [and do...]

July 28, 2018

Friday Funny [27-Jul-2018; Late, but still in the sun…]

Friday Funny [27-Jul-2018; Late, but still in the sun…]

While we've been out cruising, I've been bad at preparing the Friday Funny in advance. What you need to understand, is that we've had a great run of hot, sunny days, and everyone feels the need to take advantage of it while it lasts! We didn't even put all of the items back onboard that we took off when we had company, Bill just up and said, "why don't we put some essentials back on, and then get out of here!"

So we did.

We traveled the back side of Wrangell Island, and stopped in our usual place in Madan Bay. Some friends from B dock, onboard Waypoint were already anchored there, and Craig made us fresh crab quiche for breakfast the next morning, oh so yummy.

We departed for a new adventure, a place we hadn't been before, exploring Bradfield Canal. We anchored next to Duck Point, and the next day, Waypoint came and joined us. The weather, scenery, and wildlife were abundant, and we stayed for days, even after Waypoint moved on. Bill got our two new solar panels running, and the new electric winch to lift the dinghy into the davits. Woot woot for the now, three solar panels recharging the batteries, and more projects completed.

I washed hatches, you know, the never ending battle with the green stuff.

Gus, and Elsie enjoyed their lazy days in the sun, but more often they were found in the shade napping and cooling off. It must be hard to wear a fur coat when it's 75-85 degrees in the sun.

Yes, I know, you're laughing at us, but we broke some heat records in Southeast Alaska this past week. It's been glorious, with enough breeze to keep most of the biting insects at bay. I did receive one nasty bite that I had an allergic reaction from, I think it was a horsefly. I had a huge swollen, itchy, angry red mark, and I had to take an antihistamine, which helped to reduce the negative effects.

We ran the water maker, did laundry, and kept the batteries happy with the solar panels, wind generator and diesel generator, but we're down to powdered eggs, and no creamer for our coffee. Is it time to head into the marina, and reload?

PS. I still have wine, and Bill has beer, so maybe not.
PPS. Photos to follow when we're back in the land of the internets. This was posted via the SAT phone.


  1. Stay out as long as you can. Civilization is vastly over rated.

    1. LOL! Yeah, who needs coffee creamer anyway......?

  2. I wondered if y'all were out enjoying the hot weather. Been hot in Fairbanks too and I'm almost looking forward to our fall rains.

    Glad everyone is doing better!

    1. All of Southeast breathed a sigh of relief at the first day of rain. We're not used to that strange thing in the sky that's yellow. It's been a terrific summer so far though!


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