Stuff we have and use [and do...]

June 29, 2018

Friday Funny 6-29/18 (Food, Fun, and Family)

I'm on it.

I just realized that our current lifestyle could be considered a permanent staycation. It's also an odd thought that friends, and family are coming to visit, for their vacation, while I'm on staycation. 

staycation (a portmanteau of "stay" and "vacation") is a period in which an individual or family stays home and participates in leisure activities within driving distance of their home and does not require overnight accommodations. Wikipedia

My brother, and his wife are coming next week, and we're looking forward to the visit. As usual, whenever someone is coming, it's a good time to get some procrastinated projects out of the way. The shower stall is getting a fresh caulking, it'll be clean and bright. I posted about the overhead hatches last week, and I've been polishing the interior brass. I wanted to get the salon cushions recovered last winter, but you all know how that went, so I'll be content with doing a good cleaning.

Barometer, and clock.

Inside steering station.

Ship's bell.
All of the doors have old-fashioned skeleton key locks, and of course they need polishing as well.

I stubbed my toe during the cleaning this week, and shhhh don't tell Bill. His mantra is that all injuries will be amputated, and I would like to keep all my toes attached. I'm pretty sure I broke it, so just add that to the list of appendages that I have broken. (Good grief!)


Wrangell has a whiz bang fun 4th of July Celebration, and the hotel, and all B&B's are full. I have my google calendar all set for the activities I want to attend.

I really wanted to participate in the egg toss this year, but since I'm still on crutches, I don't think it'll be a good idea.

2017 egg toss on Main Street.

Wrangell has had a tradition since 1950 for the month leading up to the 4th festivities, they organize a royalty contest. The teens sell food, rummage sales, car washes, and drawing tickets everyday for a month, whoever sells the most tickets wins. The winner gets to keep a portion of their earnings for scholarship, earns the title of King or Queen, and the rest funds next years celebration.  Seems odd to me, that the 4th is all about our freedom, and the break with England's royalty, but we crown someone King or Queen here. Maybe we should give them the title of President instead? The first four tickets that are pulled at a drawing, also win prize money, so it's a win/win no matter what you call it.

2017 Royalty on their parade float, throwing candy, and waving.

There's sunny weather predicted for next week. Woo hoo, bring on the parade, food, games, and fireworks!

 As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page

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