Stuff we have and use [and do...]

May 18, 2018

Friday Funny 5-18/18 (Esparbacher)

Floyd is wearing his pants too high to be a furnace repairman.

Our Espar diesel heater finally gave out. It was making some strange noises, whining, whirring, and what I called screaming, and one day it just stopped. It was vintage 1999, so it's had a good, and productive life. One issue though, it quit while we were away from shore power, and it was in April, when it was still chilly at night. So instead, Bill ran the diesel generator all night, and the electric heater, and we stayed toasty warm.

We got a new Espar from a fellow boater on the east coast, who had purchased new, and never installed it into his own boat. He gave us a discount, which was great, it was a bargain, even with the cost of shipping to Alaska from the Maryland area. 

Two sources of noise, the Espar, and Elsie-snoring.

Here's what the new heater looks like, please pay no attention to the power cables that go to the laptop on the table. Do pay attention to the fact that Elsie is fast asleep next to the heater, and is in the thick of the construction zone, which doesn't faze her at all.

"Engine Room", lift up the sole, (floor in landlubber talk), and there it is!

White shell is the generator.

Bill is comfortably (boat yoga anyone?) arranged in the engine room.

Bill (so far), has done all of our own work on the boat, and it's parts/pieces.

Who me?

New duct work, because the new isn't the same diameter as the old, new control, in a new spot, new temp sensor, and the new Espar is bracketed in place.

Bill is attaching the new duct work.

Old controller was located in the aft sleeping cabin.

New controller is located in the main salon, next to the generator controls.

And there it is, all comfortable in it's new home.


Bill touched the startup switch, aaaannnnnddd, nothing...... it's late, we hadn't had dinner, we call it a night.

The next morning, Bill did some re-wiring, and woosh, Houston, it's a GO! We let it run, burn off that new plastic smell, and conveniently heated up the aft head, so I had a warm room for my shower. 

It's now ready for the upcoming week of sunny 70+  weather. 😎

84 in here, with the diesel heater on..... it works.

As always, we enjoy hearing from you, either here in comments or on our Facebook Denali Rose Sailboat page


  1. All I saw was Bill when I glanced up from the caption"White shell is the generator." It took me a minute... LOL :-)

    1. Good one... I didn't even think of that! I suppose Bill could be consider a generator of sorts.


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