Stuff we have and use [and do...]

September 24, 2015

A day in the life...

Everyone onboard participates in our daily routines. 

We asked Gus- one of our feline crew members- to share a typical day aboard his new home...

Huh?... Was that 7 bells already? Time to get ready for my watch...

I think I hit snooze 3 times already; I'd better make an appearance...

Man, I've gotta figure out a way to get more than a measly 14 hours of sleep in a day... 
I hope there's some fresh coffee...

What's the weather like this morning, and remind me where are we again?...

Good. At least I won't need my rain gear today...

Yawn... I guess I better go get some chow...

After some breakfast, a cup of Jo, and taking care of other personal matters, I limber up... again...
This is important: You never know when you might have to leap right into action...

Next I suit-up for duty.

...Then I put my game face on...

...and take a quick stroll around the deck to confirm the perimeter is secure...

I always check-in with the relieved watch to see if they have anything to report.

This is a candid shot of me during the ongoing course of my duties- which I take very seriously by-the-way...

A furtive glance through the pilothouse window reveals the next watch is preparing to relieve me. 
Times sure flies when I'm working... 

You're a good relief, Sir, er, Dad...

Now for a little down time with some of the off-watch on this sunny afternoon...

Then some serious Z's before my next duty...

Advice for others? 

If I have learned anything, its how important it is to find a way to take space; to develop a reliable method for achieving some alone time when living in confined quarters. It is also imperative that one find a way to relax, to decompress from the day-to-day stresses of life at sea.

As you can see, I'm still experimenting... [Sorry about the muffled echo...]

Here are some answers to other questions I'm often asked:

  • Where did the Chief Purser get our shark and fish beds?
  • Am I listed on the Crew Manifest?
    • Duh...!
  • Do we have our own feline head
    • Why, yes; one for each of us... and we share [much to Elsie's chagrin, which is why I use hers sometimes...]
  • Do we like to eat fish? 
    • Hey, mate, we ain't vegetarians [But we do like to eat some green grass- or sometimes alfalfa sprouts while traveling- mainly when we need to hork-up a hairball...]
    • Most of the time we are served canned cat food diluted with a little warm water for breakfast. There is always a bowl full of these brown, dry, crunchy things our dad calls cardboard Cheerios... and lots of freshwater in a spill-resistant bowl...
    • Our waitstaff is pretty well trained and is good to us most of the time...
  • Do we miss exploring on land? 
    • A little, but this floating home is always changing locations so the scenery and smells are always new and we have fun exploring them on deck. Sometimes we get to go for walks on a leash. We like that a lot, but are always glad to get back to our Shark beds when we are tired. 
  • Are there any aspects of this life afloat you don't like?
    • I don't like it when the staff wakes-up the noisy, stinky, vibrating monster that lives in the basement... There seem to be two of them, and one must be much larger than the other judging by its growls... My shark bed is my refuge when the monsters first wake-up... After a while, I get used to them and life goes on as normal...
      • Elsie, my watch mate, doesn't seem to mind them so much...
    • I also wish the kitty race track was longer... We can fly through the entire length of our home in seconds. This requires us to do many more laps than we are accustomed to in the wee hours to get our exercise...
    • Otherwise, life is good!
  • What about medical care?
    • As felines, we understand we are exempt from having to have medical insurance under Obamacare... But our servants do take us to mean people once in a while that poke sharp needles at us... 
    • I also understand our parents have some of those paper things they stare at and pet much more than us that tell them about our needs. [Book: Where there is no Pet Doctor]


  1. It's tough to be crew on your boat. Such hard work and not nearly enough nap time :-)

  2. Gus, (grey tabby), is far more into boat chores than Elsie. (black tuxedo) Elsie prefers to find the best spot in the sun, and enjoy the luxury cruise. "Garcon, another spot of salmon please."


Because of spammers, comments may be moderated [and 'Anonymous' are usually deleted...] so please be patient if they don't appear quickly... We are cuisers. Sometimes it may be days— even weeks— before we have internet access. Even Elon's... [Don't feel sorry for us... It's intentional...]